
yoga journal boston conference: part two

i'll admit it.  i was more excited for day two than i was for day one.  day two consisted of all teachers i had heard of and was pretty sure i would enjoy taking classes with.  

i started the day out with seane corn - another yogaworks trained teacher.  seane was leading a class on anahata flow: exploring the fourth chakra (the heart chakra).  it was run pretty similarly to most other vinyasa style classes i have been to and she for the most part stuck with the yogaworks method of sequencing.  she uses a lot more spirituality in her teaching - prayers, affirmations stuff like that.  which usually makes me a little uncomfortable but this really wasn't that off putting to me.  this was also the first class i was adjusted in.  which i appreciate.  it's nice to have the teacher physically touching you - helps you to feel like you were noticed.  

next class was with physical therapist and yoga teacher julie gudmestad.  natasha talked about her a lot during the training and we read tons of articles from the seven years she wrote a column for yoga journal.  it was awesome to put a person to the name.  her class was focusing on the core muscles.  my core is definitely a weak spot of mine, so i was happy to have a physical therapist actually go through a regimen that she uses for her patients.  i'll definitely need to stick with these exercises for a few weeks before i attempt to start teaching them in my own class but, it's nice to have something specific you are working actively working on.  

during my three hour break i grabbed a few small things and went outside to one of the numerous roof gardens in the prudential.  though it was a might bit windy for my taste, it was nice to get outside and sit in the sun even for a few minutes.  i circled through the marketplace one last time, and indulged myself in a new mat bag from manduka (the same company that made my mat - which i love).  

for the final class of the conference i went back for some more natasha.  she was leading a twisting class and so help me, i love to twist.  as expected this class was the perfect way to end a yoga-filled weekend.  there were a bunch of familiar faces and i learned so much from watching natasha do her "looking at bodies" thing she does so well.  it really is invaluable to watch someone so gifted helping a student with alignment so specifically as a teacher myself.  i can only hope that one day i will be able to be as helpful to my students.  

now i realize i failed to take any pictures on the second day, but here's my reasoning: i was so engrossed in the classes, i didn't even have the thought to whip out the iphone.  i know, i know - bad blogger.  


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